Intelligence Sociale - Social Understanding
L'Intelligence Sociale is the knowledge of social ties. It organizes the study and the control of relational phenomena.
L'Intelligence Sociale breaks down strengths and weaknesses of people, organizations and their interrelationships, history, nature and quality in order to establish a pattern to understand the way they work. It defines and suggests corrective actions to build long-term, coherent and convergent ties, with a view to developing simultaneously and in a long term their economic and social performances. The new economic stake L'Intelligence Sociale deepens the knowledge of human sciences. L'Intelligence Sociale recognizes the existence of psychological, sociological, ethnological, philosophical mechanisms which influence favourably or unfavourably all interpersonal relationships : Identification and understanding of these mechanisms (at all levels), in order to better control them through appropriate behaviour, attitude and actions; Recognition of individual or group characteristics (such as his/her environment) as causes of personnal or group behaviour. The social dialogue Observatory has created six sets of social understanding models (c) and continues to broaden them in the framework of its ongoing research.
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